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How to Make Engaging ELearning Courses

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There are two basic types of engagement: active engagement and passive engagement. Active engagement requires learners to actively engage in the course. You have the option to either make branched decisions, or follow a linear path. In an Ergonomics demo, for example, users are asked to make choices and are not required to navigate in a branched manner. Passive engagement is about information delivery. Information delivery works best when it is relevant and timely. Your learners will find you as an online resource when you create an electronic learning course.

Scripting for engaging e-learning

Some forms of elearning content require scripting. Your program's effectiveness will depend on how well it engages your target audience. A well-written script will make your subject matter more interesting and sustainable. Here are some tips for writing scripts. Consider that some learners may be deaf, or visually impaired. For those learners, you should make your script easy to access in both written form and audio format.

e learning in educational technology

E-learning content scripts must be structured so that all content flows seamlessly. Storyboards enable content writers visualize their message and establish the tone. Once content writers have planned their content, it's now time to get down to the details of writing. Although professionalism is important it should be friendly. For example, a friendly voice can help make your content stand out.

Using VR and 360-degree videos to engage learners

Using VR and 360-degree videos in the classroom can increase student engagement and learning outcomes. Students can share their observations of a virtual reality scene on social media platforms and engage with content on different levels. Students can also enjoy 360-degree videos in the classroom using VR goggles. VR-based training comes with limitations. Not only is it difficult to create good VR simulations, but also takes time.

Virtual reality can be easily integrated into classrooms. Additionally, educators can access free 360-degree videos online. This technology is not only free but can also be used by educators to enhance existing video learning environments. Just place students in virtual worlds and let them interact with the content. These tools can be powerful tools for educators at all levels. If you're wondering how to integrate VR into the classroom, here are some tips to get started.

PowerPoint for engaging eLearning

PowerPoint is a great tool for creating interactive e-learning courses. PowerPoint presentations can be interactive with the right techniques. For instance, learners can answer quiz questions by clicking on objects in the images. You can also use hot spots to link items together. Interactive presentations can also include links to other content. Plan your PowerPoint courses so that you have enough space.

elearning guild

Videos can be added to your course in addition to text. PowerPoint supports the addition screencasts, as well pre-recorded and recorded videos. PowerPoint does not offer editing capabilities. Therefore, you might consider using third-party editing tools. Here are some tips to use PowerPoint to create interactive videos:


What equipment is needed to do eLearning effectively?

Start an online course by making sure you have everything setup correctly. Adobe Captivate and a webcam are two of the most important tools you will need.

Make sure you have all of the required software installed on your system. This includes Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat Reader Flash Player Java Runtime Environment QuickTime 7 & Shockwave Flash 10.0.

A screen capture program like Camtasia Studio by TechSmith may be something you might want to try. It allows you to record what is happening on your computer screen while you are working.

Last but not least, you may want to download a WebEx or GoToMeeting web conferencing software. These programs let you connect with others who are viewing the same presentation simultaneously. These programs allow you to share your desktop with other people.

What are the different types e-learning is? What are their goals?

There are three major types of elearning:

  1. Content delivery- This type or e-learning seeks to provide information to students. You can find textbooks or lesson plans as examples.
  2. Instructional design: This type e-learning helps learners to develop their skills. Examples include tutorials and simulations.
  3. Learning management – This type of eLearning gives instructors tools to organize and track student activity. Examples include discussion forums and virtual classrooms.

How do I choose which eLearning platform to use?

Today, there are many eLearning platforms. Some are completely free, others more expensive.

When choosing between these options, you need to ask yourself some questions.

  • Do you want to make your own learning materials. You have many options to create your eLearning courses using free tools. These include Adobe Captivate. Articulate Storyline. Lectora. iSpring Suite. and Camtasia.
  • Are you looking to buy ready-made eLearning course? There are many companies that sell pre-packaged courses. They cost from $20 to $100 for each course. Mindjet (Edusoft), and Thinkful are three of the most highly-respected.
  • What if I want to combine both? Many people find that they get the best results by combining their own materials with those provided by a company.
  • Which option is right for me? It all depends on what your situation is. If you are just starting out with eLearning, you might consider creating your own materials. You may also want to consider buying a pre-designed course once you've gained some experience.

What is eLearning and how does it work?

E-learning offers an online learning platform for individuals, businesses, and institutions. It allows you to deliver information and instruction using electronic media like computers and mobile devices.

The term "e" is used because this type of learning uses technology to deliver content rather than physical materials.

E-learning can take place anywhere that people have internet access.


  • However, e-learning courses that are engaging, well-designed, and interesting are likely to be perceived as useful by e-learners (Roca & Gagné, 2008). (sciencedirect.com)
  • India's PC market clocks 9.2% growth to 3.4 million units in the September quarter (economictimes.indiatimes.com)
  • Hedonism incorporates intrinsic motivation, including novelty, challenge, excitement, and pleasure (Schwartz et al., 2012), which is likely to predict user perception of e-learning enjoyment. (sciencedirect.com)
  • E-learning is intended to enhance individual-level performance, and therefore intend to use of e-learning should be predicted by a learner's preference for self-enhancement (Veiga, Floyd, & Dechant, 2001). (sciencedirect.com)

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How To

What does eLearning offer that is different from traditional methods of teaching?

eLearning has existed for a long time. Many schools still teach the old-fashioned way. However, eLearning has many benefits over traditional methods of teaching. Here are some:

  1. E-learning is much cheaper than traditional teaching methods.
  2. Students may take classes at the pace that suits them best.
  3. Teachers have less pressure because they don’t need to worry about getting students up-to-speed before class starts.
  4. Teachers can easily set up multiple versions of the same course so that each version teaches slightly different concepts.
  5. Students can communicate with one another, ask questions and interact through chat rooms and discussion boards.
  6. It is possible for learners to work together on assignments or projects.
  7. Students can access videos and presentations from the comfort of their classrooms.
  8. Online courses are available 7 days a săptămână, 24 hours per day.
  9. Learners can study anyplace, anytime.
  10. Learners can always go back and review previous lessons.
  11. The year can be tracked by learners.
  12. Instant feedback can be provided to learners about their performance.
  13. Students can work at their own pace on assignments and projects. If they want, they can even submit them later.
  14. Learners can access files that include images, notes and other materials.
  15. Print copies of assignments and handouts can be printed by learners.
  16. Learners can save money by buying books and supplies once instead of every term.
  17. Learning can be more effective when learners study alone.
  18. Learners can work with others in the same field.
  19. Learners can learn from each other and share their knowledge.
  20. Read blogs and articles to learn more about new topics.
  21. Students can search for solutions to specific problems.
  22. Learners can create their own content.
  23. Learners can receive help from tutors and peers.
  24. Learners may make friends with people who share the same interests.
  25. Writing skills can be improved by learners.
  26. Learning can help learners solve problems creatively.
  27. Public speaking can be practiced by learners.


How to Make Engaging ELearning Courses