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Colorado Online Middle School

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Stride K12, an online middle school in Colorado, offers a combination of tried-and true educational approaches and cutting-edge online instruction. Colorado-licensed educators teach classes online. Learning Coaches are available for students to provide support and encouragement. Stride K12 provides an online curriculum for middle school and other resources.

Journey K8

The Journey K8 School is an innovative online and hybrid school located in Colorado Springs, CO. This school serves 117 students. It is predominantly White. It's an innovative school that has a student to teacher ratio of 2:1. In terms of academic performance, Journey K8 is ranked in the top 50% of schools in Colorado for both overall test scores and reading/language arts proficiency.

This middle school has a unique advantage: students can tailor their learning with makerspaces. Students can learn at their own pace, with the school offering home-based education. This option is available for all parents and students.

Village High School

Village High School is an online school that combines face-to-face and online learning to provide a blended learning environment. The school currently has 240 students and plans to increase that number to 400 next year. Academy Online was previously known as Academy Online. The school was established in 2008 and uses a district-created curriculum. It received multi-district certification in 2009 as an online school.

elearning trends

The school offers classes to students in grades 6-12. There are many enrollment options available, including part-time or supplemental enrollment. Denver Public Schools offers a traditional high-school diploma to full-time students. They can also earn college credit through work-study, tuition-free concurrent enrollment and work-study programs. In order to enhance their learning experience, they are encouraged and supported to engage in extracurricular activities.

Southwest Colorado eSchool

Southwest Colorado eSchool, an online charter school for students in grades 6-12, is located in Durango, La Plata County and the San Juan regions. The school is authorized by the Colorado Department of Education and receives state funding to operate. Currently, it has 3.7 full-time teachers. Each student is funded by the school based on the required PPR (Pupil Performance Rate). For students to enroll in the eSchool, they will need a computer with an internet connection, headphones, microphones, and internet access. Students will receive a highschool diploma after they have completed the curriculum.

The Southwest Colorado eSchool is a regional educational institution that provides students with equal learning opportunities. It serves students who are unable to attend traditional brick-and-mortar schools due to extenuating circumstances. The school has been growing and diversifying since its inception, serving students from the most marginalized communities of the region.

Colorado Virtual Academy

The Colorado Virtual Academy is a middle school curriculum designed to help students meet Colorado's academic standards. The program is based on the National School Lunch Program and has a poverty rate of less than 6%. If the household income is less than 40C/day, students may be eligible for reduced-price or free meals.

It was ranked in the top half of Colorado schools for overall performance due to its test scores. It ranked in the bottom half for math proficiency and the top half for reading proficiency. Colorado has a rate of twenty-three and forty-five per cent respectively for students who have state proficiency in each area.

online course

My Tech High

My Tech High Colorado offers a hybrid learning experience for students in grades 7 through 12. This program allows students the opportunity to attend both on-site and online classes. Students may also engage in extracurricular activities at local schools. To accommodate this, My Tech High offers Split Enrollment, which allows students in grades 7 through 12 to take up to two classes at a local school while maintaining a My Tech High schedule.

My Tech High Colorado students can access their online courses 24 hrs a day. Students can reach their teachers via email and phone or Zoom video conference. Teachers are expected to respond within 24 hours. Every nine weeks, new full-time students are enrolled at the school.


How do I pick the best eLearning platform for me?

There are thousands of eLearning platforms available today. Some are free and others are more expensive.

Ask yourself some questions when choosing between these options.

  • Do you have the desire to create your own learning materials. You can create your own eLearning courses with a variety of free tools. These include Adobe Captivate. Articulate Storyline. Lectora. iSpring Suite. And Camtasia.
  • Do I want to purchase ready-made eLearning courses? Several companies sell pre-packaged courses. These courses range in price from $20 to $100. Mindjet, Edusoft, or Thinkful are some of the most popular.
  • Are you looking for a mix of both? Many people find that combining their own materials and those of a company produces the best results.
  • Which option is best for me? It all depends on what your situation is. If you are just starting out with eLearning, you might consider creating your own materials. However, once you have gained experience, you may want to consider purchasing a pre-designed course.

What are the major obstacles to elearning success?

The biggest challenge in e-Learning lies not in technicality but rather in culture. It's about people.

Understanding what motivates and how they learn best is key. Online learning is also something they enjoy.

This is where it's important to find ways of making this experience as natural and enjoyable as possible.

How much multimedia should an eLearning program contain?

It all depends on your goals. If you're looking for quick information delivery, then less is likely to be the best. However, if you are looking at delivering training that will help people learn how to do something, then more may be better.

The key thing is that you need to know what you want to achieve from your eLearning course. Understanding what learners expect from your course is essential. This will allow to make sure that your course has enough content to reach your objectives.

You can take this example:

You should include many examples of text documents to help people learn how to use Microsoft Word. However, you should show people many types of Excel spreadsheets if you want them to learn how to use it.

You also need to consider whether you want to use video or images to illustrate concepts.

Video is great at showing how to do something, but not so well for explaining complex topics. It can also be very costly to produce. Although images are less expensive to produce than videos, they convey the same emotion as video.

The bottom line is that you must think about your goals before you design an eLearning course.

What systems are used to teach e-learning courses?

E-learning, or online learning, is a method where students learn using a computer screen. Interactive activities like quizzes, tests and discussions are possible.

E-learning can also include web-based programs that allow users to access information via the internet from a computer. This program is often referred to simply as "online educational."

How effective is eLearning?

E-learning is an effective tool for delivering learning content from anywhere at any time. It offers learners easy access to information at any time and from anywhere.

You can also deliver training programs online without having to travel or rent classroom space.

What should my course in eLearning look like?

Your eLearning course should encourage interaction between learners.

This means the design must be simple to navigate and the content should be clear.

It also means that the content needs to be interesting and engaging.

Three things are essential to ensure your eLearning course meets these requirements.


The first thing you need to decide is what content you want to include in your eLearning course. You must decide how long each section should be. If you are teaching someone how to write letters, you will need to determine how long you want each topic to take.


The second important decision you need to make is how you want your learners to navigate around your course. Do you want them clicking through each page one by one? Or do they want to be able to jump straight to the relevant sections?


You must decide how you want the course to look. You need to determine how long each screen should take to load and what font size you should use. You also need to decide whether you want to have graphics included (such as pictures).

Once you have made all these decisions, test your course to ensure it works.


  • India's PC market clocks 9.2% growth to 3.4 million units in the September quarter (economictimes.indiatimes.com)
  • According to ATD's 2021 State of the Industry report, technology-based learning methods, including e-learning, accounted for 80 percent of learning hours used in 2020. (td.org)
  • E-learning is intended to enhance individual-level performance, and therefore intend to use of e-learning should be predicted by a learner's preference for self-enhancement (Veiga, Floyd, & Dechant, 2001). (sciencedirect.com)
  • In the 2017 ATD research report Next-Generation E-Learning, 89% of those surveyed said that changes in e-learning require their staff to update or add new skills. (td.org)

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How To

What technology should I choose?

There are many options for you, depending on what device your learner is using.

  1. Computer-based courses must be taught on a computer.
  2. Mobile devices like smartphones and tablets can be used to deliver eLearning classes.
  3. A combination of both mobile devices and computers can be used to deliver courses.
  4. Some organizations offer eLearning courses that are available on DVD discs and can be viewed by any computer.
  5. It is a popular choice to create web pages so that users can access the material online.
  6. You can also use hybrid solutions, where one part of the course can be delivered via a website and another through a CD/DVD.
  7. Some organizations offer free eLearning courses via the telephone. These can be recorded by learners and played back later.


Colorado Online Middle School